The Coaching Process

Coaching is a partnership between the coach and client where the coach facilitates the exploration of the client’s maximum potential through a creative and thought provoking process.

The partnership is built on trust where the coach engages the client with active listening, powerful questions, and direct communication.

  • 1:1 Coaching.

    1:1 Coaching begins with assessing what is most important to you. Whether you have a personal or professional hurdle to overcome, you chose the focus of our discussions. Along the way, I will provide a compassionate space for you to explore possibilities through shared conversation and ideas.

  • Career Development.

    Many factors are involved in landing a job and building a career. An employer might be looking for a creative influencer or the job seeker is looking for work-life balance. Our career development program explores who you are, what you’re looking for, where you want to end up, why it all matters, and how to land the right job.

  • Free Consult.

    Uncertain how to take the next step in moving from Striving To Thriving. Schedule your complimentary 1-hour discussion today to quickly identify what’s holding you back from living your best life.